Dal 26 al 28 settembre 2015 si è tenuto a Stoccolma un Simposio organizzato da WABA e UNICEF dal titolo
Contemporary solutions to an age-old challenge:
Breastfeeding and work
(si veda il sito http://stockholm.waba.org.my/)
Qui i materiali/presentazioni del Simposio:
Conference Themes
- Concepts in breastfeeding and work by Dr. Amal Omer-Salim, Co-Executive Director, WABA
- World Breastfeeding Week by Jennifer Mourin, WBW Global Coordinator, WABA
Panel Discussion 1: Economics and Financing
Objective: To identify the practical challenges regarding financing of maternity protection, explore different financing mechanisms and identify ways of replicating these.
Panellists | Topic |
1) Dr. Larry Grummer-Strawn, WHO | Linking IYCF and other health recommendations to relevant UN/ILO conventions/the need to harmonise policies. (PDF) |
2) Dr. Julie Smith, Australian National University | Conceptualising the combination of work and breastfeeding/time studies. (PDF) |
3) Dr. JP Dadhich, IBFAN Asia | The global situation on maternity protection using the WBTi tool. (PDF 1 – PDF 2) |
4) Mr. Mai Duc Thien | Vietnam experiences of moving towards increased maternity/parental leave and financing mechanisms. Opportunities andchallenges at national level. (PDF) |
5) Mette Ness Hansen, Oslo University Hospital, Norway | Norway experiences of moving towards increased maternity/parental leave and financing mechanisms. Opportunities andchallenges at national level. (PDF) |
Panel Discussion 2: A Gender Equitable Maternity Protection
Objective: To identify the challenges of gender equitable maternity/parental protection, explore the role of men/fathers in supporting breastfeeding mothers, and identify strategies to promote family-friendly workplaces.
Panellists | Topic |
1) Wendy Al Rubaie, Consultant, UAE | What does gender equity mean in the UAE? How has the UAE addressed it in the context of maternity /paternity/parental protection? What challenges still exist? (PDF) |
2) Dr. Kristin Svensson, Karolinska Institute, Sweden | What does gender equity mean in Sweden? How has Sweden addressed it in the context of maternity/paternity/parental protection? What challenges still exist? (PDF) |
3) Natko Geres, Men Care | What role do men have in SRHR and childcare? What are the lessons learned by involving men in this area? What are the challenges in various contexts? (PDF) |
4) Dr. Arijit Nandi, Mc Gill University, Canada | Impact of MP/parental policies on breastfeeding and Public Health. (PDF) |
5) Laura Adatti, ILO | ILO perspectives on maternity and paternity at work. Opportunities and challenges at country level in implementing the ILO Conventions. (PDF) |
6) Dr. Felicity Savage who presented on behalf of Dr. Miriam Labbok, WABA | Impact of breastfeeding on health and wellbeing at various levels. The importance of the circles of support for breastfeeding in the context of women’s work. The challenges that remain for breastfeeding rates to increase. (PDF) |
Panel Discussion 3: Expanding the scope of maternity/paternity protection/support for the informal economy.
Objective: To identify the practical challenges of reaching the informal economy workers with breastfeeding support and identify creative solutions
Panellists | Topic |
1) Gloria Ndekia, KEPSA, Kenya | Experiences and challenges of informal economy workers (needs and organising structures). (PDF) |
2) Dr. Leena Hannula, Helsinki Metropolia University | Reaching multi-diverse populations with health and social services. A Nordic perspective. (PDF) |
3) Emmeline L Verzosa, Phillipines Women Commission | Ways of working with informal economy workers. Needs and challenges. Examples of specific SRHR/childcare/breastfeeding programs. (PDF) |
4) Laura Kiege, UNICEF Kenya | Opportunities for working with the informal economy for maternity protection- UN programs at national level. (PDF) |
5) Dr. Rukhsana Haider, WABA | Peer counselling approach to supporting breastfeeding in the communities: a case of garment factory workers in Bangladesh. Opportunities and challenges. (PDF) |
6) Biplabi Shresta, ARROW | Innovation in approaches to informal economy workers. Opportunities and challenges. (PDF) |