Carissimi Soci e Simpatizzanti,

il MAMI ha tradotto in italiano le infografiche sull’allattamento che l’OMS, l’UNICEF e l’OIL (Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro) hanno prodotto in occasione delle SAM 2013, 2014, 2015 e 2016, in originale alla pagina

Serie “Breastfeeding Support – Sostenere l’allattamento” – SAM 2013*
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 Serie “Breastfeeding Support – Sostenere l’allattamento” – SAM 2014*
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Serie “Let’s make it work! – Allattamento e lavoro: Mettiamoci al lavoro!” – SAM 2015*
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Serie “Support mums to breastfeed anytime, anywhere – Sosteniamo le mamme nell’allattamento in ogni momento, ovunque” – SAM 2016*
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* Translated into italian by MAMI from Breastfeeding Infographics, Years 2013-2016. WHO, UNICEF and ILO are not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and the italian translation, the original English version shall be the binding and authentic version